Peony Bouquet Combo
The beautiful Peony Bouquet Stamp Set, illustrated by Karla Jodoin includes a lovely grouping of peony flowers, buds and leaves. There are separate blooms and leaves stamps that can be used to add depth and dimension. The hand drawn details help show where to add shading. These blooms can be colored with your favorite medium or simply stamped and heat embossed for an elegant look.
This stamp + die combo comes in an XL Cloud Storage Pocket.
Stamp (271274): 5”x 7" set of 11 photopolymer clear stamps.
Approximate sizes:
- 3 Blossom grouping: 4"w x 4-1/2"h
- Leaf: 1"w x 2"h
- "Beautiful Day": 2"w x 3/4"h
Die (310335)
A set of 11 matching dies.
As shown in "Matching Die Preview".
Comes de-tabbed with magnetic storage sheet
Can be used in all leading desktop roller die cut machines.