2019 Design Team

Hello everyone! Nina here!
I hope you are all ready for the new year!
2019 means new exciting adventures for us!
First, we would like to introduce our team!
Waffle Flower In-house Team
To connect with us:
Channin (IG: @craftghetto)
Channin is our in-house instructor. She creates beautiful samples and loves sharing her creative journey through our IG Live! Monday through Friday at 1pm pacific, find Channin at @waffleflowercrafts! (Or Rebecca, or Nina)
Rebecca (IG: @rebeccakeppel)
Rebecca is the professional voice that you hear on all of our Intro Videos since September 2018. Rebecca is our design team coordinator and will be helping more on marketing this year.
Sunshine (IG: @sunshinesartwork)
Sunshine works in accounting and production at our office in Mesa, AZ. She was sucked into the cardmaking vortex when she started working with us about 2.5 years ago. Sunshine has the cleverest ideas for cards!
Nina (IG: @ninacrafting)
This is me! :) As the owner of Waffle Flower, I design products, coordinate with production and logistics, collaborate with artists and help at shipping orders when needed. Oh yes, there is accounting too and I enjoy it very much! :)
2019 Design Team
We are lucky to have these lovely and talented ladies helping us create inspiring samples for you! Don't forget to join our hop on the 5th of every month!
Alix (IG: @alixsworld)
Alix is a new design team member for 2019. She is a Dental Hygienist by day. We found her critter cards cute and floral cards beautiful. We can't wait to see what creative ideas she will come up with using our products.
JJ (IG: @ribbongirls)
JJ has been my friend ever since I started making cards about 8 years ago. We were on various teams together and I have been a long time fan of her cards. JJ also starts designing products for us. You will learn more about them later this week!
Keeway (IG: @kiwi.koncepts)
Ever since Waffle Flower first started, a name keeps popping up and wows me over and over with her beautiful cards. "I wish I could have her on my team!" and that name is Keeway! Dreams do come true, right?
Kelli (IG: @coolscards)
Kelli is a gem that we discovered through sharings under our Instagram Tag: #WaffleFlowerCrafts. Every week, Channin, Rebecca, Sunshine and I take turn to pick some cards to feature in our Weekly IG Pick videos and Kelli's name keeps popping up! We've been working behind the scene with her for about 2 months now and I'm so glad to learn that she's such a sweet and kind person!
I can't wait for this year to unfold!
Thank you for all your love and support over the years! We wouldn't be here with you!
Love always,
Owner of Waffle Flower
So sweet 🥰☺️Can’t wait to get this party started!!!!
Kelli on
Amy Tsuruta on