- Tiny Butterfly Die

More Creative Ideas using April 2021 Release - Week 3
As promised here are the beautiful florals from this release. Guest designer Michele has created a stunning card. She did some watercoloring on her petals and leaves, but what makes this really cool is that she made kraft cardstock look like coconut grass. The soft, fading-out grey brick makes it seem like an arrangement you would find on an exterior wall. --Supplies--Jumbo Flower Pot ComboBrick Wall StencilCrocus Stamp Set (sentiment)A2 Lacy Layers Die (stitched accent) Arjita's no-line watercoloring is so lovely. The deep green frame really makes her florals glow. --Supplies--Jumbo Flower Pot ComboOversized Smile Stamp Set (sentiment)A2 Layers Die If...