Introducing Waffle Flower Challenge Design Team
Hello everyone! Hope your new year is off to a good start?
We have many new things planned for you this year and one of them is our brand new challenges!
We will have two challenges per month starting next Monday, Jan 12! Each challenge lasts two weeks and the winner will receive a prize and join the challenge team in a future challenge! We will also have a winner drawn from random participants!
The challenge team will be led by our lovely and talented Tessa Wise!
And Kim Kesti will be joining us on the Mondays in between challenges to share tips and tricks on, ahem, how to create a challenge winning project!
Jennifer Merterns
Blog: coming soon!
Hello dear crafty friends old and new. My name is Jennifer Mertens and I am so proud to have been asked to join in on the fun as part of the Waffle Flower Crafts Challenge Design Team. I have been rubber stamping since the age of 12 (around 30 years---yikes…scary!) and have enjoyed scrapbooking and card making for nearly as long. I am happily single and enjoying the blessed love of my family—especially my nieces and nephews. I am absolutely thrilled to be the “Gr-Auntie” to an adorable grand-nephew…so much love! Currently, I am very busy dealing with the daily struggles of living with Ankylosing Spondylitis (a particularly nasty form of arthritis). Luckily, I am still able to enjoy my crafting, card making, and rubber stamping. Which is something I plan on loving and sharing with others for many, many years to come.
Kymona Tracey
Hello, I’m Kymona Tracey. Who am I, you ask? I am a women who never slows down and loves it. Yes… I am the energizer bunny’s sister! I just keep going and going (which is something that I am working on, if you follow my weekly wishes on my blog). I am a single mother of two wonderful children who are 8 years apart. My 16 year old son is a true self-made jock who plays every sport you can think of ! My 7 year old daughter is a real life princess who loves anything crafty and girly and absolutely hates anything related to sports. Talk about yin and yang! …but I love it!! Besides running from one activity to another with them, I work full time at a hospital (public health background), facilitate a reading group at work, teach high school students on the weekends and have a huge love of learning new things. I’ve taken classes in photography, web design, knitting, scrapbooking and card-making. I love them all, however, my true passion is card-making. I was introduced to card making back in 2004 and haven’t turned back since. I started out as a hobbyist just making cards for family and friends. People were always ecstatic when they received a card from me. What they did not know was that it made me feel just as special to make a card for them. This passion pushed me into teaching card-making classes at work with a couple of coworkers who wanted to learn how to make projects for their families. In September 2013, I made a big leap and created my blog, Kreative Kymona. Besides being a mom, I think that this has been one of my most rewarding accomplishments. Just being able to share with my world community makes life so rewarding!
Shelly Kurth
Greetings, from Florida! My name is Shelly and I'm a Mom to four beautiful (and perhaps at times, wild kids!). I started scrapbooking in 2004 and shortly after, found my true passion in making greeting cards. My style is most certainly CAS, though sometimes I like to mix it up a bit! When I'm not crafting away or cleaning the house or the million other things there are to do, you can find me at the beach! I feel honored to be on such an amazing and talented team! Thank you so much!
Tenia Nelson
Hello my name is Tenia Nelson and I am a 30 something wife, momma, doggie momma, jazz pianist, percussionist, music teacher, soccer player and paper crafter that lives in the 5280 (Denver, CO)! I am married to a wonderful guy named Tim, I am momma to my awesome son Thelonious (Theo) and I have two wonderful doggie "kids" Miles and Brillo. I love me some paper, inks, stamps and embellishments...and just LURVE to create!!!
I have been making stuff since a little girl and will be doing it till well......FOREVER!!!! LOL!!!!
Thank you Nina and Tessa for this totally RAD opportunity.....I am STOKED!!
We look forward to seeing your projects!
Thanks for checking in! Happy Crafting!

Challenge Design Team
Now, Let's welcome these talented ladies to join us! They have all been playing along with our previous challenges and we are thrilled to have them on the team! The challenge team will create sample projects inspired by the challenge photos every other Monday on the blog.

Great team! Looking forward to seeing all your creations!
Miriam Prantner on
Such a spectacular team!
tsurutadesigns on
Thanks so much for having me! :) Ladies, I am excited to be working with you all!
Shelly on
[…] So, I am on the Waffle Flower Crafts Challenge Design Team!! […]
Woohoo!! I Made The Team!! | Kreative Kymona on
What an UBER FABULOUS team! Congratulations!
Virginia L. on